Monday, May 5, 2008

Major Recap

It's the Major Recap Show where I recap all of the wonderful things that happened in April! W00t! So for a little preview: G-Spalsh, Kempo, Classes, Yokohama — and a video!

1. G-Splash!!!!

I have a new love it's name is G-Splash. G-Splash is wonderful, it pops and locks, and hip hops and breaks... Oh G-Splash, my life was so empty before without you. And you really made me sweat: 3 hour work outs everyday for two weeks with an audition and nomihodai/飲み補題 (all you can drink) at the end. G-Splash, this, us, it's forever. Or at least until August when I have to return to the States. The pic you see to your left is of me and my two friends D-Bang (Diana) and Stephanie waiting for our audition results. We were quite nervous.

2. More kempo!!

So I've kept with kempo. Like I said it wasn't going to shake me. No way, no how. It's getting really fun and I feel that if I was ever attacked in a dark alley or even in broad daylight, I could kick some serious ass.

3. Classes

And they're super easy! Which is why I'm able to be in two circles/clubs and not lose my mind. I'm taking two anthropology course, one on individual culture and society and one on digital technology use in Japan. For the latter I have to write an actual ethnography and I'm researching digital communication patterns in the gay community here in Tokyo. Both of those courses are some of the best I've taken, ever. I'm also taking a history course and it's probably the single most boring course I've taken, ever. I've fallen asleep every class since the first day. Even caffeine is no match for my teacher's monotone. And to round it all off, I'm taking Japanese. It's definitely less intense than I thought a Japanese class in Japan would be, but that's probably for the best.

4. Yokohama! (Here's where the video is!)
[Geez, do I have enough exclamation points in this post?]

So a bunch of us went to Yokohama to see the port and, most importantly, to see Chinatown. I know, you're probably thinking, Jeannette, you're going to a Chinatown in Japan? Something about this does not seem right. But it was so right. I had bubble tea and coconut water from a coconut (yum ^_^) and a delicious dinner. And the weather that day was just perfect. The sun was out and everything just looked new and wonderful. But don't take my word for it....


Some of my friends here in Tokyo; most of them live at DK with me and we all go to Sophia.

This really charismatic street performer. He's the one in the video. I totally thought he was going to burn himself.

Hey it's me....

And now that you've made it to the end of the post, you get a video reward. Yeah that's right. Enjoy!

Except you would have, but I can't upload it. Boo.

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