Anyways, back to the topic at hand and the source of my latest confusion: the little black bag. Well, it's actually not that small, but this one has quite a few things in it. You're probably wondering what's in this little black bag. What's in little black bags in general and why is this confusing Jeannette? What's confusing me, is how the Japanese can be really open with somethings, and really modest about others. Take for example all the explicit and not so explicit sexual nature of some of their anime. Really in your face right? But, when it comes to real life, super modest. What's in the black bag: tampons, but also hands soap and toothpaste. Why do I need to hide all of that? It's not like people don't know it happens and besides once everyone sees the black bag they can almost guess what's in their. I mean, really, it's a bag with punctuation marks all over it. Let's be real, Japan. Let's be real.
a bag with punctuation marks all over it...hahaha i love it. i love how i can hear your tone of voice basically just saying all of this. let's be real.
Hahahha.. i can hear it too..
yessss you blogged about it XD I totally forgot I was going to.. At some point I'm going to start a special culture topics series of posts, so maybe modesty can be one of the topics..
let's be real, is just a colloquial phrase dumbass. don't take it seriously.
let's be real, jeannette. let's be real.
hahaa this post was hilariou. Seriously Japan, seriously? hmm...the things we will never understand!
Hang in there :)
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