Sunday, May 25, 2008

More Pictures....

....From Shorinji Kempo Taikai and Kempo Camp

I didn't put up all the pictures from those two events in the earlier post, so here's this post to finish the job. If you remember, I went to a Shorinji Kempo Taikai or intercollegiate tournament during Golden Week, the week everyone has off of work. It was really cool to see everyone perform. But don't take my word for it, see for yourself. (Oh, there's also a new post below this one. Part 1 of a very crazy weekend.)

Two members of our Kempo group

The train ride to Kempo camp.

From left to right, top row: Abe-sempai, Quentin, Gan, Ari. Bottom row: Hunter and Mia.

I allegedly made this face at someone. I don't believe it.

The campsite!

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