Thursday, April 3, 2008

It's a draw...

So I didn't kill the jumping spider. In fact, he's still alive in my room. I saw him right before I went to bed last night and we had another scuffle. Another draw, well, a win for him since he's still alive, which makes this Jeannette: 0 and jumping spider aka Jumpy: 2. As I tossed and turned this morning due to some necessary napping earlier in the evening, I either had a dream or a fatigue-induced hallucination that the spider was climbing up my wall at some point. I gamely told him, "Fine, you win. I suppose we'll just have to live in peaceful cohabitation."

Ha, peaceful cohabitation my ass. As soon as he pops back out again, I'm killing him.

jochiYesterday I went to an exchange student orientation at Sophia/上智大学 but before we even boarded the train to get there I had a minor crisis. I forgot my wallet at the DK House. While freaking out and thinking I lost my entrance key card, I took my wallet out of my purse to look for it and promptly forgot about it. I couldn't exactly go back to get it but luckily, Greg was kind enough to let me borrow some dough for the day.

The train ride to Sophia/上智大学 lasted about 45 minutes but it seemed much shorter than that as we had to make a lot of transfers. Anyway, that train ride could be an hour and a half and it wouldn't really bother me. This past summer I had an internship in D.C. and I had to commute 2 and a half hours each way everyday. So this commute is much shorter in comparison.

We passed through Shinjuku on our way to Sophia/上智大学 which is located in Yotsuya. I'm very excited to see Shinjuku as it's fairly well-known for it's hustle and bustle. And we found this really great place to eat as we walked towards Shinjuku; and when I say great I mean it met the criteria of cheap, tasty and conveniently located. It's only a block or two away from Sophia.

Spider Update: I brushed back the curtain to see what the day was like and a spider dropped down on its thread. I don't know if it's Jumpy or a new resident but I'm not happy about this. What the heck? What is it about this room that is so inviting to spiders? Is it too warm? I'm going to make this room less hospitable. This is war.
spiralAfter finding the building where our orientation would be held, we toured Sophia. Note this spiral staircase in the picture. I think we're going to figure out how to get up there. Maybe. Possibly.

monitorsAnd after a long day at Sophia and a boring orientation session, we all got to meet our Japanese monitors. They're basically buddies for us exchange kids. My monitor is a second-year English Lit. student named Akiko. She's super nice and super chic, but then again, all of the Japanese girls here are super chic, so that's a given. I'm pretty impressed by it, I have to say. I wonder how long it takes them to get ready in the morning? I'll have to ask them.

Then it was back to the DK House where instead of studying for my placement test today, I promptly fell asleep due to jet lag. Bleh. If this post seems hurried or not as witty as the last posts, it's because I'm still super tired and this spider business is killing me.

Spider Update: I am victorious.


Molly said...


No, dude, seriously, glad to hear you're alive. Got yer blog saved and am reading up!

Maybe you could fry up the spiderians in some tempura or something? Crispy critters. Yum.

Anonymous said...

hi, I'm Akiko.
This is a great blog! I will come here regularly.
By the way, Japanese girls normally take around 1 hour to get ready. Is it different from the States?

i hope to see you in the near futere!

Anonymous said...

yeah, ask them how long it takes them to get ready! --> sorry, i thought that was the best part of the blog :)